Boletim do Global Compact - junho de 2013


June 2013


1. Bangladesh Tragedy Reinforces Need for Corporate Action to Ensure Health and Safety in Supply Chains
2. Secretary-General Urges Board Members to Champion Corporate Sustainability
3. Global Compact Renews Drive for Responsible Business in Africa
4. U.S. Companies Discuss Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
5. Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative Partner for New Cooperation
6. New Partnership between Realdania and Global Compact to Engage Philanthropy in the Corporate Sustainability Movement
7. Local Network Update
  • BPW and Local Networks from Iraq, Turkey and the Gulf States Convene in Support of Women’s Empowerment Principles
8. Participant Status: New Signatories, COPs and Delistings


1. Provide Input: Caring for Climate Study
2. Call for Applications: UNFCCC’s Momentum for Change – Urban Poor
3. Call for Examples: Fighting Corruption in the Supply Chain
4. Apply: Social Investment Pioneer Awards
5. Call for Nominations: WEPs Leadership Award 2014
6. More Opportunities: Join the Child Labour Platform and more


1. Guide to Water-Related Collective Action
2. A Framework for Action: Social Enterprise & Impact Investing


1. Upcoming Webinars (June 2013)
  • Managing Human Rights Risks in the Supply Chain: Keeping Your Social License to Operate (13 Jun)
  • Call to Action: Anti-Corruption and the Post-2015 Development Agenda (13 Jun)
  • Diversity & Gender Equity as an Investment Opportunity: Progress and Impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles (18 Jun)
  • Occupational Health and Safety – Lessons from the Bangladesh Factory Collapse (19 Jun)
  • Good Business Practices to Address Human Trafficking - Travel & Tourism (20 Jun)
2. UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2013 (19-20 Sep, New York)
3. Business for Peacebuilding (25 Jun, New York)
4. China Summit on Caring for Climate (29-31 Jul, Beijing)
5. Caring for Climate Business Forum: Innovation. Ambition. Collaboration. (19-20 Nov, Warsaw)
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1. Bangladesh Tragedy Reinforces Need for Corporate Action to Ensure Health and Safety in Supply Chains
On International Workers’ Day (1 May), the Global Compact urged companies to step up efforts and engage in the fight to improve occupational health and safety standards following the recent Rana Plaza building collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh claiming over 400 workers’ lives. In its annual implementation survey of corporate participants, the Global Compact has found that companies are highly challenged to take actions that support and incentivize supplier adherence to sustainability principles in the supply chain. To help address these challenges, the Global Compact has developed a number of relevant tools and resources.More.

2. Secretary-General Urges Board Members to Champion Corporate Sustainability
Chaired by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Global Compact Board convened (7 May, New York) to address key priorities including the ongoing Global Compact strategic review, a sustainable funding model and opportunities to grow to scale. The Board meeting marked a significant governance change with the participation of the newly elected Chair of the Local Network Advisory Group as an ex officio Board member and a joint session with the Global Compact Government Group. Board members also participated in a high-level luncheon, attended by the UN Secretary-General and approximately 60 Government representatives, to discuss the contribution that business and the Global Compact can make to the post-2015 development agenda. More.

3. Global Compact Renews Drive for Responsible Business in Africa

At the Pan African Business Conference (24 May, Addis Ababa), the Global Compact announced it is redoubling efforts to scale up corporate sustainability in Africa and to emphasize the private sector’s role in contributing to the continent’s full economic and social renaissance. The conference, which aimed to bring the voice of the private sector to African Union discussions, was hosted by the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PACCI) and co-sponsored by the AU, UN Development Programme and the Global Compact. More.

4. U.S. Companies Discuss Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Approximately 50 United States business representatives examined the challenges and opportunities of implementing the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights at a roundtable jointly convened by the Global Compact and BSR (29 April, New York). The discussion was part of an information-gathering visit to the United States by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and aimed to identify obstacles and ideas to better support U.S.-based companies as they tackle human rights challenges. More.

5. Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative Partner for New Cooperation

The Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) announced the renewal of their Memorandum of Understanding (24 May, Amsterdam) at the global conference launching G4, the fourth generation of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, which are fully aligned with the Global Compact principles. Because of this alignment, any company that wants to report on implementation of the Global Compact principles can do so through the use of G4. While the renewed agreement affirms a long-standing collaboration, it also marks the beginning of a number of innovative collaborations, in particular on the post-2015 UN development agenda. More.

6. New Partnership between Realdania and Global Compact to Engage Philanthropy in the Corporate Sustainability Movement
Realdania and the Global Compact announced (30 May, Copenhagen/New York) a collaboration to advance to global sustainability through mutual projects and network facilitation in the areas of social investment, catalytic philanthropy and private sustainability financing. As part of the new partnership, the Global Compact appointed Flemming Borreskov as Special Advisor on Foundations. Mr. Borreskov will work with the Global Compact to develop relationships and opportunities for collaboration with foundations and the philanthropic sector, and will advocate on behalf of relevant Global Compact platforms, including thePrinciples for Social InvestmentMore.
7. Local Network Update
  • BPW and Local Networks from Iraq, Turkey and the Gulf States Convene in Support of Women’s Empowerment Principles
    At a meeting convened by the Turkey Chapter of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (10 May, Istanbul), the organization made promotion and realization of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) an organizational priority. The Global Compact Local Networks of Iraq, Turkey and the Gulf States supported the meeting and shared examples of how businesses are partnering with civil society to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. More.
8. Participant Status: New Signatories, COPs and Delistings
In May, 153 companies and 54 non-business stakeholders joined the Global Compact. 14 companies were expelled for failing to communicate on progress. The largest companies (by employee number) to join during the month were: VimpelCom Ltd (Netherlands), Qualcomm Incorporated (USA), Jubilant Foodworks Limited (India), Grupo Engevix (Brazil), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (India), Falabella Retail (Chile), Shwe Taung Development Co., Ltd (Myanmar), Villa Holdings Private Limited (Maldives), Distell Limited (South Africa) and KEGOC JSC - Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (Kazakhstan).

Total figures as of 31 May:
  • Business participants: 7,530
  • Non-business participants: 3,877
  • COPs submitted: 20,599
  • Expelled business participants: 4,153
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1. Provide Input: Caring for Climate Study
Ahead of the 19th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in November in Warsaw, Caring for Climate is conducting a study on corporate engagement on climate change policy, together with the World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Ceres and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). The study seeks to help companies evaluate, improve and demonstrate responsible influence on climate change policy, as well as to develop guidance material and recommendations for companies to become responsible corporate climate stewards.

Caring for Climate signatories and Local Networks are invited to join the upcoming webinars 20 June at 9:00 am EDT and 25 July at 9:00 am EDT and provide input to the report’s development. For more information or to RSVP for the webinars, contact

2. Call for Applications: UNFCCC’s Momentum for Change – Urban Poor
The UNFCCC secretariat is calling for activities to be featured on its Momentum for Change: Urban Poor platform, which will showcase activities that address climate change and improve livelihoods and living conditions in urban areas of developing countries.

Applications can be submitted until 28 June. To learn more about the criteria for applications or to apply, please visit the Momentum for Change website.

3. Call for Examples: Fighting Corruption in the Supply Chain

The Anti-Corruption Task Force of the Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability is developing an inspirational “Guide to Fight Corruption in the Supply Chain”. The resource will provide concise, practical and operational guidance to smaller and less-experienced companies on establishing anti-corruption procedures and policies within their organization and its suppliers on a multi-tier level. It will showcase specific company examples and contain links to other useful resources on this topic.

Global Compact participants are encouraged to submit examples of how they are integrating anti-corruption measures into their supply chains, including with direct suppliers and sub-suppliers. The deadline to submit examples is 28 June. Learn more about the criteria for examples and how they can be submitted.

4. Apply: Social Investment Pioneer Awards
The Global Compact Principles for Social Investment Secretariat is seeking applications for its annual Social Investment Pioneer Awards, which aim to recognize and showcase examples of international best practice in social investment across five categories: responsible business, inclusive business, shared value, strategic corporate philanthropy and social business. Winners will be announced at a side event of the Global Compact Leaders Summit (19-20 Sep, New York).

Click here for further information or to apply. Applications close 31 July.

5. Call for Nominations: WEPs Leadership Award 2014
The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are now accepting nominations for the 2014 Leadership Awards that highlight concrete actions taken to implement the WEPs and advance and empower women.

The nominations are open to companies whose CEOs (present or past) have signed or intend to sign the WEPs CEO Statement of Support before the nomination deadline of 1 November. More information on the WEPs Leadership Awards and the nomination form are available on the WEPs website.
6. More Opportunities: Join the Child Labour Platform and more
Many of the engagement opportunities announced in past issues of the Bulletin are still active. View the full list of Engagement Opportunities.

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1. Guide to Water-Related Collective Action: Offers good practice examples to help companies establish enduring relationships with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, leaders, and individuals to advance sustainable water management. Download. 

2. A Framework for Action
: Social Enterprise & Impact Investing: Guides investors, corporations and policymakers on engaging with social enterprises to create financial, social and environmental returns – outlining three key steps: prioritizing the rationale for engaging, defining a strategy, and choosing specific approaches to execute. Download.
Please visit the Tools and Resources webpage to access all material issued by the Global Compact.
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1. Upcoming Webinars (June 2013) – OPEN INVITATION
2. UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2013 (19-20 Sep, New York) 
– INVITATION ONLY – Held every three years, the Leaders Summit is the premier UN-business event – bringing together chief executives with leaders from civil society, Government and the United Nations. Chaired by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Leaders Summit – Architects of a Better World – will link the enduring, universal values of the United Nations with a new global architecture for corporate sustainability. As the Millennium Development Goals 2015 deadline approaches, the Summit will set the stage for business to shape and advance the post-2015 development agenda – putting forward an architecture for business to contribute to global priorities at unprecedented levels.

For information and to register, please visit the Leaders Summit website or

3. Business for Peacebuilding (25 Jun, New York)

OPEN TO BUSINESS PARTICIPANTS - The UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and the Global Compact are jointly convening a conference to inspire and stimulate enhanced business engagement in support of peace. Bringing together major global players, African business leaders, key actors from the business communities and governments of African countries, UN member states, and civil society organizations, this conference will facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the importance of engaging businesses in peacebuilding and will offer a unique opportunity to catalyze collective action.

Please contact Bryan Kisadha ( for more information or to express interest in attending before 10 June.

4. China Summit on Caring for Climate (29-31 Jul, Beijing)
OPEN TO ALL PARTICIPANTS – Organized by the Global Compact Network China, the China Summit on Caring for Climate aims to raise awareness of climate change, disseminate best practices, and enable businesses from China and abroad to tackle the issue together through innovation and cooperation. The Summit, with support from the Chinese government, will introduce national policies and regulations related to climate change. The outcomes of the meeting will be submitted to relevant Chinese authorities as well as the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit and Caring for Climate Business Forum.

Please contact Mr. Bin Han ( or Ms. Fengzuo Wang ( for more information or to express interest in attending.

5. Caring for Climate Business Forum: Innovation. Ambition. Collaboration. (19-20 Nov, Warsaw) 

– INVITATION ONLY – For the first time, the Global Compact, UNEP and the UNFCCC secretariat are organizing the Caring for Climate Business Forum during COP19/CMP9. The Forum seeks to serve as a channel for the private sector to make genuine contributions to climate change negotiations annually and will provide business and investors a platform for exchange and collaboration with governments, civil society and UN through numerous thematic sessions linked to the UNFCCC agenda including a high-level roundtable meeting. The Forum will also serve as the Annual meeting of Caring for Climate Signatories.

Please contact Jayoung Park ( for more information or to express interest in attending.
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  Event Calendar
1st PRME Canada Regional Meeting (11-12 Jun, Edmonton)
Managing Human Rights Risks in the Supply Chain: Making Sure You Don’t Lose your Social License to Operate (13 Jun, online)
Call to Action: Anti-Corruption and the Post-2015 Development Agenda (13 Jun, online)
Diversity & Gender Equity as an Investment Opportunity: Progress and Impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles (18 Jun, online)
2nd PRME Latin America Regional Meeting (18-20 Jun, Lima)
Occupational Health and Safety – Lessons from the Bangladesh Factory Collapse (19 Jun, online)
Good Business Practices to Address Human Trafficking - Travel & Tourism (20 Jun, online)
Business for Peacebuilding (25 Jun, New York)

Informal Interactive Hearings on International Migration and Development (15 Jul, New York)
China Summit on Caring for Climate (29-31 Jul, Beijing)

UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2013 (19-20 Sep, New York)
2013 PRME Summit (25-27 Sep, Bled)

3rd PRME MENA Regional Forum (9-11 Nov, Dubai)
4th PRME Asia Forum (14-15 Nov, Manila)
Caring for Climate Business Forum: Innovation. Ambition. Collaboration. (19-20 Nov, Warsaw)
3rd PRME Australasia Regional Forum (19-20 Nov, Hamilton)
Please visit the Event Calendar on our website to learn more about the listed events.

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Published 5June 2013
You are receiving the Monthly Bulletin as a designated Contact Point for your organization. In order to receive important messages regarding the participant status of Lions Clube de Curtiba Batel in the Global Compact, your organization must have at least one Contact Point assigned. 
